
Were do we find Sophie when she goes missing?

Were do we find Sophie when she goes missing?

Texas girl Sophie Long, 11, has been found safe in an undisclosed foreign country after going missing in July. US authorities found her with her father, Michael Long, who was taken into custody. He had refused to hand over Sophie to her maternal aunt amid a custody dispute.

  1. Where is Sophie long now?
  2. Who is Sophie Long?
  3. Is Sophie Long still missing?
  4. Who is Jake bellington?
  5. Who is Michael Long?

Where is Sophie long now?

According to the Collin County Sheriff's Office, Sophie Long is now in protective custody after she was reported missing earlier this year and feared to be kidnaped by her father, Michael Long, who is now in police custody.

Who is Sophie Long?

Texas girl Sophie Long was located in a foreign country after a bitter custody battle which saw her dad refusing to hand over his daughter to her maternal aunty. Long's disappearance sparked a campaign called "Stand With Sophie" following claims of child sex abuse.

Is Sophie Long still missing?

Texas girl Sophie Long, 11, has been found safe in an undisclosed foreign country after going missing in July. US authorities found her with her father, Michael Long, who was taken into custody. ... The Collin County Sheriff's Office was trying to have Sophie flown back to the US on Saturday.

Who is Jake bellington?

Jake”—that is, Kelly Long's husband-to-be and Sophie's future stepfather Jacob Wayne Bellington—of touching her inappropriately while she was in her mother's care. The video, which went massively viral, led to the hashtag campaign #StandwithSophie.

Who is Michael Long?

Who is Michael Long? Michael Long is the father of nine-year old Sophie who alleges she has been abused by his ex-wife's current partner. The 41-year-old is the founder of Right Rocks, an online retailer for natural stones and crystals, which he runs with his girlfriend Kourtney Chalmers.

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