
How can you sell stuff?

How can you sell stuff?

Online sales and auctions

  1. Amazon. You can sell pretty much anything on Amazon, although selling in some specialized categories requires Amazon approval and an upgraded selling plan. ...
  2. EBay. EBay lets you auction and sell a wide range of goods and has a slightly simpler fee structure than Amazon. ...
  3. Bonanza.

  1. How do you price used items?
  2. How much should I pay someone to sell my stuff on eBay?
  3. How can I make money selling things online?

How do you price used items?

50-30-10 RULE: Near-to-new items should be sold for 50 percent of their retail price; slightly used items at 25-30 percent of retail; and well-worn items at 10 percent of retail.

How much should I pay someone to sell my stuff on eBay?

The standard profit on eBay for resellers is usually between 5–20%. If we take a 10% profit then you can make $100 from selling one expensive item for about $1000 or by selling 50 low priced items ($20 each).

How can I make money selling things online?

There are two main avenues for selling your stuff online: marketplaces like Etsy, Shopify, eBay or Amazon and a website you create. A combo of the two is also a possibility. Marketplaces are usually easier and faster for starting your business, but they also charge transaction fees that can eat into your profits.

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