Logo - Sivu 2

Mikä on ulkomaisen auton nimi, joka alkaa A-kirjaimella??
Minkä auton logo on A-kirjain? Acura. Acura-logo on tyylitelty A-kirjain (Acura), jonka on myös tarkoitus muistuttaa merkin emoyhtiön Hondan H-kirjain...
Missä autossa on sininen kilpitunnus?
Mikä on kilpilogolla varustettu auto? Koska Buickin perusti alun perin skotlantilainen mies nimeltä David Dunbar Buick, heistä tuntui, että he osoitta...
What are some cars starting with the letter M?
What car logo is an M? Then, in 1959, when Mazda began manufacturing passenger vehicles, they introduced a simplified logo with an “M” in the middle o...
A car name ending letter a?
What car brand has an A? Audi. is a German automobile manufacturer that designs, engineers, produces, markets and distributes luxury vehicles. Audi ov...
What is the animal on the Porsche car logo?
What animal is on a Porsche car? In reference to Stuttgart, the Porsche Logo features a black horse as the centerpiece for its design, alluding to the...